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Kesiapan Infrastruktur Layanan Telekomunikasi KTT G20 Capai 99,1%
Dipublikasikan pada 2 years ago , Redaktur: Andrean W. Finaka, Riset : Yuli Nurhanisah / Desain : Chyntia Devina / View : 1.943 | - Pemerintah melalui BUMN PT Telkom Indonesia memastikan kelancaran penyelenggaraan Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi G20 melalui penyediaan infrastruktur dan layanan telekomunikasi berkelas internasional
Persiapan Telekomunikasi dan Infrastruktur
Penyiapan infrastruktur jaringan telekomunikasi untuk mendukung kelancaran Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) G20 pada 15-16 November 2022 secara umum telah mencapai 99,1 persen.
Selain itu, PT Telkom telah menjalankan empat program untuk mendukung konektivitas dalam penyelenggaraan KTT G20. Pertama, ekspansi kapasitas transport & IP backbone hingga 1 Terabyte. Kedua, menyiapkan infrastruktur akses broadband dengan tingkat kehandalan tinggi melalui konfigurasi dual/triple homing serta layanan teknologi wifi generasi 5/6 di 19 venue.
Ketiga, menyediakan layanan mobile dengan coverage 100% 4G dan 5G di area Bali yang didukung 3.656 BTS 4G dan 24 BTS 5G. Keempat, mengamankan jaringan dengan menerapkan Next Generation Firewall dan Anti-DDOS untuk memastikan kehandalan dan keamanan jaringan telekomunikasi selama event KTT G20.
Sumber daya manusia dan tools untuk menyongsong KTT G20 juga dipersiapkan dengan matang. Disamping National Command Center (Jakarta) dan Regional Command Center Regional (Surabaya) yang beroperasi non stop 7 hari 24 jam, Telkom secara khusus menyiapkan Mini Network Operation Center di Nusa Dua Bali yang akan beroperasi non-stop mulai 1 s.d 18 November 2022.
Nantinya, setelah KTT G20 selesai, Telkom tetap akan menggunakan infrastruktur telekomunikasi yang sudah digelar untuk memberikan layanan berkelanjutan dalam rangka mendukung peningkatan bisnis Telkom dan melayani kebutuhan pelaku bisnis serta masyarakat sekitar.
Telecommunication Service Infrastructure Readiness for the G20 Summit Reaches 99.1% - The provision of world-class telecommunications infrastructure and services by the government, through state-owned PT Telkom Indonesia, assures the successful execution of the G20 Summit.
Telecommunications and Infrastructure Preparation
99.1 percent of the telecommunications network infrastructure is ready to facilitate the smooth operation of the G20 Summit on November 15–16, 2022.
In addition, PT Telkom has implemented four programs to support connectivity at the G20 Summit. First, increase the capacity of the transport and IP backbone to 1 Terabyte. Second, creating a highly reliable internet access infrastructure using dual/triple homing configurations and 5/6 generation Wi-Fi technology services in 19 venues.
Third, offering mobile services with 24 5G BTS and 3,656 4G BTS supporting 100% 4G and 5G coverage in the Bali area. Fourth, to guarantee the security and reliability of the telecommunications network during the G20 Summit event, safeguard the network by putting in place the Next Generation Firewall and Anti-DDOS.
The G20 Summit will be welcomed with enough tools and human resources. Telkom has specially prepared a Mini Network Operation Centre in Nusa Dua Bali that will operate non-stop from November 1 to 18, 2022, in addition to the National Command Centre (Jakarta) and Regional Command Centre Regional (Surabaya), both of which operate nonstop seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day.
In order to promote Telkom's commercial growth and meet the demands of local businesses and the community at large when the G20 Summit is done, Telkom will keep using the telecom infrastructure that has been assembled to offer sustainable services.