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Capaian Pembangunan Komunikasi dan Informatika

Dipublikasikan pada one year ago , Redaktur: Andrean W. Finaka, Riset : Yuli Nurhanisah / Desain : Nur Halimah Syafira /   View : 2.140 - Transformasi digital selama satu tahun terakhir direalisasikan dengan pembangunan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) yang mengatasi masalah kesenjangan akses digital.

Capaian Pembangunan TIK

Pencapaian utama pembangunan bidang komunikasi dan informatika antara lain (1) pemerataan akses sinyal 4G di wilayah nonkomersial; (2) penyediaan layanan akses internet bagi layanan publik/komunitas seperti sekolah, puskesmas, kantor desa dan di daerah nonkomersial lainnya; (3) pembangunan Pusat Data Nasional (PDN); dan (4) penyediaan teknologi pengendalian konten negatif di internet.

Dalam rangka pemerataan akses sinyal 4G di wilayah nonkomersial, pemerintah hingga akhir tahun 2021 telah melaksanakan survei lokasi baru Base Transceiver Station (BTS) 4G di 4.200 desa, dan telah membangun BTS di 3.465 desa dengan total BTS yang terbangun hingga akhir tahun 2022 sebanyak 7.082 desa. Melalui pembangunan BTS, masyarakat dapat menikmati layanan akses telekomunikasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk beraktivitas secara daring.

Selain itu, dalam upaya penyediaan akses internet bagi layanan publik/komunitas seperti sekolah, puskesmas, kantor desa, dan lain-lain, hingga tahun 2021, pemerintah telah menyediakan akses internet baru di 15.556 lokasi. Pada tahun 2022, pemerintah akan melanjutkan penyediaan akses internet di wilayah nonkomersial agar tetap beroperasi pada lokasi existing yang sudah on air. Dengan demikian, total penyediaan akses internet selama periode 2020-2022 secara akumulasi adalah 16.391 lokasi.







Achievements of Indonesia’s ICT Sector - Information and communication technology (ICT) has advanced in response to the digital access gap over the past year as a result of the digital transformation.

ICT Development Achievements

The major accomplishments in the field of communication and information technology include (1) equitable access to 4G in non-commercial areas; (2) the provision of internet access services for public/community services such as schools, health centers, village offices and in other non-commercial areas; (3) development of the National Data Center; and (4) provision of negative content control technology on the internet.

The government has conducted a new location survey of 4G Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) in 4,200 villages through the end of 2021 and has built BTS in 3,465 villages, for a total of 7,082 BTS completed by the end of 2022, to ensure equitable access to 4G in non-commercial areas. The public can now take advantage of telecommunication access services that can be used for online activities thanks to the development of BTS.
Additionally, the government has installed new internet connectivity in 15,556 locations as part of an attempt to provide internet access for public/community services such as schools, health facilities, village offices, and others by 2021. In order to maintain operations at currently operational places that are already on air in 2022, the government will continue to provide internet connection in non-commercial areas. Thus, 16,391 locations will have internet connection in total throughout the 2020–2022 period.


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